INITIAL GAIN Analog Machinery Life

Home of elec­tron­ic per­formers Initial Gain, Nachtzug and other collab­o­ra­tive projects of mind and magic.

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Nachtzug Mixed Acid Arts

A sol­id found­a­tion of push­ing beats, walk­ing bass­lines, and twit­ter­ing Acid phrases. Add weird samples of clas­sic eras, in­spir­ing synthchords, vo­cals to re­late, and the oc­ca­sion­al per­form­ance of a keytar solo.

Every concert like no other – drum ma­chines and old poly­phon­ics, pro­grammed and ar­ranged live on stage:

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We also re­cord songs and jam ses­sions. Be­low you find a se­lec­tion of the latest re­leases of our four cur­rent pro­jects. Once on the Re­leases page, you can also ac­cess the rest of our cata­log.